
  • Koji Ogasawara

Brief Biography

April 1991
Registered as an attorney
April 1998
Appointed as a representative partner attorney at Tokyo Ginza Law Office
April 1999
Appointed as a director at Hudson Japan Servicer
March 2000
Retired from a director at Hudson Japan Servicer
April 2002
Appointed as a representative partner attorney at OGASAWARA KONNO&ROKUGAWA Law Office
April 2004
Appointed as a professor at Law School of Tokai University
April 2009
Appointed as a professor at Graduate School of International Management of Aoyama Business School of Aoyama Gakuin University
Appointed as a councilor at General Incorporation Foundation Education for Development Foundation (currently Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Education for Development Foundation)
May 2009
Appointed as a councilor selection committee member at Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Foreign Press Center
March 2011
Retired from a professor at Graduate School of International Management of Aoyama Business School of Aoyama Gakuin University
April 2011
Appointed as a professor at Faculty of Economics of Aoyama Gakuin University
March 2012
Retired from a professor at Law School of Tokai University
Appointed as a part-time professor at Law School of Tokai University


About us

Ogasawara international law firm

Hibiya Sankei Bldg. 5th floor,
1-9-1 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0006
